The personal story of Ray Anderson's realization that businesses need to embrace principles of sustainability, and of his efforts, often frustrating, to apply these principles within a billion dollar corporation that is still measured by the standard scorecards of the business world. While the path has proved to have many curves, Interface is demonstrating that the principles of sustainability and financial success can co-exist within a business, and can lead to a new prosperity that includes human dividends as well.
The video is an interview of Ray Anderson, the CEO of Interface. Interface is a maker of carpets, and in the interview Mr. Anderson describes how he was accidentally thrust into the role of leading his company to making sustainable products. Carpets like many products draw raw materials, and I'm sure there are many ways that carpets can be made so that they are healthy and sustainably produced and easily recycled.
The video is very interesting in terms of describing the leadership it requires to lead a company towards producing sustainable products.